Artist of the day

This is an amazing artist that i have been just admiring for a while. Her photos are just so spot on that if you love nature. you will love her.

Her images are copyrighted so please know these are not mine. i am just presenting an amazing artist.

Amazing artist of the day

The Young Family

So today was my first day back in the studio. thank god. it feels like i am finally back home. i miss my clay

So here is an amazing artist that pushes the envelope and goes outside what the world shows us. Her work is amazing and modern and classy and beautiful and beyond all: perfectly executed. Kuddos, this is to the level of craft i work towards.

Shown to me by a friend in as part of the 10 most controversial sculpture "Piccinini explores what she calls the 'often specious distinctions between the artificial and the natural'. By displaying the similarities and differences between the organic, natural and our constructed material world, Piccinini challenges our classification of life. This inspires her to combine human and animal physiology and technological development in many of her works."(from their site)

The Long Awaited

Wikipedia describes Patricia Piccinini as “an Australian artist ….who works with a wide range of media, including sculpture, video, drawing, installation and digital prints. Her major artworks often reflect her interests in issues such as bioethics, biotechnologies and the environment. ”

Undivided, 2004

A non professional look at her work reveals a stunning juxtaposition of science fiction and parenting. As she mixes alien creatures nurturing their offspring together with human children the results are simultaneously stunning and heartwarming. Judge for yourselves.

Art of beauty

The female body is a beautiful thing by itself, yet when an artist is the one looking at this beautiful canvas, we realize that it can be so much more.

How is beauty that is already perfected turned to be better? An artist will show a version, not a way of making it better, but a version of this beautiful shape.

This is a model Anya Braga a beautiful canvas as she is. turned into a beautiful work of art.

Art of the day

I was looking for a book cover, since i am selling a bunch of books i never look at. I found this one. Nice job for this designer