Type of today

Here are some good type examples

I got them from: http://www.graphic-exchange.com/

Publish Post

Beautiful Image


That is a beautiful image. Im to be doing photo hw by taking images like this one. I suck at it, since I have no idea how to be so great *o*

Claire my Perfect Lory

A Beautiful Perfect Lorikeet


Ceramic set for S&P


List of photographers given in my digital class, this is my quick guide to what their style is

1st 10 out of 45

Henri Cartier Bresson

Mary Ellen Mark

Diane Arbus

Robert Frank

Harry Callahan

Robert Capa / Cornell Capa

Lee Friedlander

Andre Kertesz

Ansel Adams



Typography without ink – http://typeurl.org/83266 ^u^

This week in the design world

Boffi: Patrick Nadeau "Rainforest"

die kunstbar / PASSAGEN 2010


Interior Design Week Köln

18 - 24 January 2010

An exhibition event focusing on current trends in design – particularly interior design. The exhibitors are institutions and museums, including Museum Ludwig and the Museum of Applied Art , universities, design offices, initiatives, showrooms, galleries, networks, furniture stores and international manufacturers.

John McCoy

Ritter Art Gallery
Boca Raton Campus
Opening Reception:
Friday, January 22, 2010, 6-8pm
January 23-March 5, 2010

"On the occasion of Professor John McCoy's retirement from 36 years of teaching ceramics with the Department of Visual Arts and Art History at FAU, the university Calleries present an exhibition featuring McCoy's work along with friends and former students..."

Bonnie Seeman

Bonnie Seeman
Gravy Boat and Tray
porcelain and glass
10" x 15" x 10"

Grayson Perry:Typographer and ceramisist

Grayson Perry's vase in this image reminds me of one of my classmates. Emanuel Felix, his work in the past, was all over the place but at the same time it was so awe inspiring that it caused you to take your mind out of the concept that you were working on and become better.

Grayson perry was introduced to my by Adriana de Alejo. Adriana is my new typography teacher. Check this: she actually wants us to use the computers. THAT IS AMAZING. Amazing since this is the first teacher that actually wants us to use the computer.

Our last typography teacher lead me to the only dropped class that I have had in my student career.